Sunday, January 13, 2013

Epic Sunday Funday

Took a walk and it was so so so good! We went by way of Inman Square, so Mass Ave past Davis, Porter, then Beacon Street to Inman. We stopped at The Thirsty Scholar, but it must not have been THAT interesting, because i have no pictures. Or we were just engulfed in the coffee house porters and heffe's. 

Then to The Druid. It was quiet and sultry. I got a 'nutty irish coffee'. By the time the waiter came back to see if we were OK, i ordered another and then asked if he would make it a double. And he did! I'm pretty sure I had a monster hand in Cribbage too.

From there we just started walking down the street, going in a direction we had never been. We later learned it was Cambridge Street. So many treasures there, who would have known? 

We finally found Atwoods, which I have heard about for years, but never been. They have a mixed-Shandy on the menu! Oh, heaven! The bartender was so great letting us try everything and talking to us about beer. There was a football game on, and no TV at Atwoods, and Tyler was strangely very ok with that. It was lovely. I keep using that word. This whole day was lovely. 

In the ladies room at Atwoods. 
I would like this in my ladies room at home.

Stumbled upon a little whole in the wall with frosted glass block windows and said, what the hell! We watched some of the game, had a pint, and won $100. I think we missed family dinner though. 
whooo are youuu???


We found Portugalia and I was sooo very surprised that Tyler wanted to go in. We had THE best cafe leches ever ever ever. I only overheard someone else ask for it, and was like, attention, I want that! Tyler did too, with whiskey. I kept it simple and oh so delicious. I think at this point I was getting a headache anyway. We did wash it down with a lovely cherry port. Not quite my thing yet, but I'm trying. 

i love documenting beverage foam.
It's like tealeaves, but I cant read it.
Really, I think it's a lot like lace. 

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