Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rainy Sunday

We didnt do much last weekend, but we did manage to get
out of the house. Friday was spent waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to show up, which didnt happen. We rallied and went out for a couple of beers and met up with
a friend that we hadnt seen in a while. His roommate's mamma cat had 4 kittens. I cannot wait to see!

Opening parade for HONK, Somerville


Saturday we did nothing, aside from TV marathons, and then rallied again for a bachelorette party. So much fun. No pictures, please.
Bundled up. So cold outside

Sunday, again with the not doing much, however we did get our butts up and out the door for a late start to the Oktoberfest in Harvard Square. This was coupled with the annual HONK festival that goes on in Somerville and Cambridge. New Orleans all over again, sans walking drinks. We really missed the walking drinks.
Drinks and Oysters. Slllooowww kitchen, really good drinks and oysters.

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