Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fishtival - Prescott Park, Portsmouth, NH

We got triple lucky this weekend, as we had planned for one event, and actually attended three! We went to the Portsmouth Fishtival (love the logo!), celebrating the heritage of the maritime town.
Here fishy fishy! Gross and awesome. The fishermen were on hand to answer questions. The rest of the fish that belongs to that tail scored them $6K! Also they talked about this great program where the boats have a fish share and if a boat caught more than its limit, it can sell it to another boat and vice verse. So that people aren't over the limit, and they don't waste any fish. Sounds good to me.

Each vendor had a recipe featuring a different local catch. Lobster, squid stew, halibut, cod, etc. See if you recognize some of the fish here!

I really need to get the recipe to this. Our Spirits' Home! 

Beautiful views of Portsmouth Harbor from Prescott Park
Fishtival from afar
Can you spot the Tippy Tommy? 
We ate three lobsters and were given 2 flimsy cafeteria napkins for each of us. We scored a roll of paper towels from a local vendor and were basically the heroes of our little table area. 
We literally saved the day by asking a restaurant to give us some more paper towels.

What craftsmanship! They even had cup holders and were comfy! I love the recycled look!

We saw two good family friends and was enticed to check out Gundalow. They are building a boat to replicate the real Gundalow. 

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