Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The GYM is ON

Nothing like a little healthy competition! Our friends in Alaska have nothing better to do in all that snow and cold and darkness than push the limits with their workout. What they don't know is that we've made it a contest!
*We'll let them know after we get a head start, or they read you read this JA?

Team Alaska:
No thanks, guys, but I give you props!
Banana, Coconut, Soy Milk, Kale,
Flax Seed and Sweat Grass shakes.
All photos courtesy of The Jay and Amanda Chronicles: Vermont to Alaska

TEAM CLAREMON15 coming up!


  1. Gdammit woman!! Do I look like I need this pressure!? Ahh!! I guys are going down! Couple to drop the most beer gut by the Phelps wedding drinks on the other couple's tab????

  2. Girl! you could drink us both under the table alone! I feel like that might be super expensive (not saying we're going to lose or anything!). Maybe we could do a nice dinner on Friday night? And loser takes the tab from that? Inc. Bevies!
